Five tricks to Quickly Increase Organic Instagram Likes and Followers for Free

In This Blog, We Will Get To Know 


There Are Lots of methods people use to gain followers and likes some people go and buy followers but 99% of the person who is selling this gives you only bots which are not quite useful.

In This Blog, I will show you seven tricks To grow your organic reach and to gain more and more followers.

Some of you will say that these tricks are just a waste of time but believe in me you will get results from these tricks.

1. Name SEO

You Can See a screenshot of my friend's page scrawled_diary Which is the Quotes page and in the name section, he has written the name as Quotes.

Instagram ScreenShot

This name is only for SEO perspective. You can also write Your Name/Page Niche this will also help you.

2. Good Captions

Nowadays everyone is posting good content but not everyone is growing because you have to stand out from all others.

So you can attract your audience from your captions like there are lots of pages which are only famous for their Captions.

You can also give a CTA(Call To Action) In the Captions like How's The Post, What are you doing today, Comment yes or no, etc. In this way, you will be the one to attract most of the audience as possible.

3. Hashtags

This is the best free way to promote yourself. If only two or three of your posts got a rank on any hashtag you will go famous your reach will be in the sky.

Now Instagram has a limit of 30 hashtags which is enough and I see creators who are using all big 30 hashtags like poets, poets English, etc which is no good.

You have to mix and match take 10 big hashtags with millions of posts, take 10 medium size hashtags that have not more than 10,000 posts, and lastly, you have to take 10 small-size hashtags that do not have more than 1,000 posts.

You can also make a list of hashtags and use them on different posts this will surely help you to grow.

4. Community Engagement

Engagement is very important you have to engage very politely with your community because your followers are like your family.

Let us imagine you come on my post and comment on something and I don't reply to you. So, will you comment next time, in most cases, it is a big no...

So you have to engage if you reply to comments this will not take too much time and it will help you in various ways such as when you reply to a person he will be appreciated and he comments on your next posts too.

And there are one more benefit of this that if you reply to a comment that replies also count as comments so if you got 20 comments on your post and you reply to them all then it will be counted as 40 comments which will increase your engagement and brand deals also.

Also, you have to reply to all the DM's too. It will also give you benefits in a long run.


5. SFS (Shoutout For Shoutout)

Let's suppose you want to grow fast but you do not want to spend on shoutouts or ads So, simply from the tricks we have discussed you have to grow a minimum of 1000 followers, and then you can simply find someone in your niche who has around 1000 followers.

You have to DM them for SFS and he will reply to you and if the deal works you can gain up to 300-400 followers through one SFS. And he will grow too.

These are the very basic five tricks that will help you to go from 0 to 5000 followers for more advanced tricks follow us and subscribe to our newsletters by clicking follow down below.

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